The Cats & the Dogs

The Visitor

“Why are you here?” I hissed. “It is too dangerous.”
His eyes were like the entrances to the dark tunnels and caves in the forest – mysterious and deep.
“I wanted to see you.”
“You could get caught!” My voice was shaking. The thought of it alone made me tremble. What would they do with him if they caught him?
And what would they do with me if they knew …
“I won’t.” He paused. “Unless you betray me.”
I shook my head. I wanted to hit him with my fists as much as I wanted to kiss him. Everything in my body was screaming to touch him.
And I knew he felt the same.
“Don’t come here again–” My command lost all power as I let myself be embraced by him, held by his strong arms in a tight hug. I was too weak to resist – not meaning physical strength, of course.
I had been longing for him – craving his touch, his deep voice, and his rough hands caressing my hair. I dreamt about his kisses, his soft lips, and his piercing eyes – which burnt into my memory the very first moment I saw them.
I knew I would regret it. Once he left, there would be the pain again. The pain of not knowing – not knowing whether he managed to get back to his tribe safely. Not knowing whether I would see him again. How had I gotten myself into this position? A month ago, I would have never let this happen. I would have never allowed a Dog to touch me. I had been a loyal representative of my tribe. I had been such a promising student. A willing Fighter.
It had all started about a month ago, after Tiger Yellow told me I was ready for my very first mission.


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